Monday, March 30, 2009

Wedding for Disaster

I really like how in every new Simpson’s episode they make the opening credits different every time. This time I thought it was really clever how they made each character a type of food. The main idea of this episode was that the Reverend in their church finds out that for a period of time he was not certified. This means that any blessings he gave or any marriages were not official. Marge and Homer find out that their second marriage was not official, so they must get re married. Marge becomes “bridezilla” throughout the wedding planning process and Homer becomes angry that anything he would like gets turned down by Marge. Their wedding day arrives however Homer disappears and is nowhere to be found. The episode then makes a reference to the popular movie Saw and has Homer chained up in an enclosed room. He hears a voice over the loudspeaker as they instruct him to eat through a lollipop made of hot sauce in order to get the key. Lisa and Bart find a key with a key chain on it with the initials SB. It turns out that Marge’s sisters where the ones to take Homer away from the wedding because they wanted Marge to dump him for good. Homer being locked up proved to Marge’s sisters how much he truly loves and cares about Marge. Although I did not find this episode to be as funny as past ones, I enjoyed the references that they made to the movie Saw. I thought it was a very clever plan and was able to tie in the theme of Homer and Marge’s true love for one another.


  1. I agree that I don't think that this episode was as funny as some of the others. I did not catch on the Saw reference at first, but after you pointed it out, it was very clear. I felt bad for Homer because Marge's sisters were basically making him go crazy when all he wanted to do was be with Marge and his kids. I thought that the reference to the show "Bridezillas" was funny because I think that a lot of brides really do act like that. I liked how The Simpsons was poking fun at those who do.

  2. I really like how they did the opening for this episode too. I thought it was pretty creative, even after 20 seasons they can still come up with more stuff. In my blog I also talked about the Saw reference, which I found to be pretty funny. I noticed that in this episode there were a lot of rerferences to things, or maybe it was just the first time I actually ot a majority of them, but the Saw one was really good. I also thought it was sweet that Homer really proves he does love Marge very much and would suck on a a hot lolipop for her, in order to get out and see her again. I've never seen Marges sisters be emotional so that was also a nice surprise. I foudn this episode to be really funny.

  3. I agree I did not find this episode as funny as some of the others, yet I still really enjoyed it. I like how it kept you on your feet when we didn't know where Homer was or who the murderer was. It didn't surprise me that the kidnappers were Marge's sisters because it seemed like they never really got along with Homer.
