Monday, March 23, 2009

In the Name of the Grandfather

I thought this episode of The Simpsons was very entertaining. First in the opening credits I found it funny when they had the family acting as dogs. The episode starts out with the family going to a home and garden show. Everyone is mad at Marge because she told them each a different lie about where they were going. Homer is shown as the typical husband when he says that he wasn’t listening when Marge told him where they were going. They end up buying a hot tub and become obsessed with the idea of being in it. They forget all about Grandpa at the nursing home and tell him that they will make up for it by helping him do something that he has always wanted to do. Grandpa wanted to go to Ireland and have a beer at his favorite pub. When in Ireland, there were many stereotypical comments made about Irish people. At the bars they serve corn beef and cabbage like its beer coming out of the taps. They show the Irish as being drunk all the time and Homer makes a comment about how the Irish have become hard working and sober when they discover that the bar has lost its customers. Also, they show many different companies and they changed their names to poke fun at the Irish. Homer and his father end up getting drunk at the bar and they buy the bar in their drunken state. They realize with the help from Moe that they need to allow people to smoke in their bar since the other bars do not allow that. At first they get a lot of customers, but in the end they get in trouble with the law and are ordered back to America. Overall I thought it was a very good episode and it made me laugh a number of times.


  1. I also liked the opening, esp. when Homer and Bart start fighting when Bart was about to be awareded the ribbon. I thought that was funny because the only thing Bart wins in his life is when hes a "dog". I thought that Marge telling everyone different things was typical of a mom, I know my mom used to tell me we would go to the mall and we would, but we would also make stops at Home Depot, or Home Goods,or a different store I had no interest in going to. Although I am Irish I didnt really mind the sterotypical comments I feel like those go with every ethnicities. Even the Irish will admit they like their beer so I dont think people should tae it offensively. I though the signs that were changed were very funny as well. Like Bog Bath and Beyond...and something with Microsoft, but over all I agree it was a pretty good episode that made me laugh at several points

  2. I also thought this epsiode was really funny, especially all the names that were changed to go with the Irish stereotypes. I am also Irish, and I always like to see what people say about the drinking and everything, so I thought it was awesome when they had the corned beef coming out of the taps right next to the beer. I thought that was a pretty creative twist on the normal Irish stereotypes we see, and overall the epsiode was one of my favorites, maybe because I always hope to visit Ireland very soon.

  3. I found this episode to be very humorous too. Being half irish, it was very interesting to see all the irish stereotypes. I think the simpsons always manages the bring up controversial topics yet it is always entertaining because it is so funny.
