Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Gone Maggie Gone"

This episode of the Simpsons focused on Maggie being taken in by a nun into a convent. Homer is responsible for allowing them to take her in, so he must get her back without Marge knowing. Marge is unaware of the entire situation because she must be blind folded from looking in the eclipse. Lisa is sent into the convent disguised as a nun so she can get Maggie back. She discovers that she must solve a puzzle in order to find the gem. Lisa is very excited about this because she loves challenging her intellect as she puts it. At the end of the episode Lisa discovers that Maggie is the gem child and she will bring peace to all of Springfield. Marge ends up discovering where Maggie is through her own motherly instincts and says that she will not give up her child. I felt that the use of nuns and the convent could be a slightly controversial topic and that people who are very religious would not find the show funny. I did not find anything offensive and thought it was a good episode. I thought that the clues that Lisa had to find were very clever such as the biggest ring in Springfield. This proves Lisa’s great intellectual abilities and how she is able to conquer many challenges. I also thought it was funny at the end when Homer decides to leave Bart behind and the convent. As he sits in the chair claiming to be the new gem child the devil appears. This wasn’t one of my favorite episodes of the Simpsons but I think they always seem to do a good job entertaining the viewers.


  1. I agree that this episode of the Simpson's showed Lisa's intellectual ability. It is a pretty obvious trait in most episodes, but this one in particular demonstrated her cleverness in trying to figure out how to get Maggie back.

    I also agree that when they leave Bart in the convent it was very funny. In comparison to his sisters- Maggie being so young and innocent, and Lisa being extremely straightlaced- he really does seem kind of like a devil child. Even though he gets a bad rap, I don't think he's too awful though- just being a kid.

  2. I agree that this episode could be considered controversial because of the religious aspect with the nun convent and everything. Lisa does show her intellect and how she enjoys solving puzzles and challenging her mind in this episode as well. Once she did solve the puzzle and figure out that Maggie was the gem child, she was not able to really do anything about it, but she still enjoyed the challenge.

    Bart is always given that "rebel/devil-child" persona, but I do think that they are trying to show him just being a kid as well. There are such extremes given to the characters in The Simpsons, but in the end I think that Bart is just being a boy, but being compared to the "angel" that Lisa is, it makes him look even worse.

  3. I agree that this episode how intellectual Lisa is because she solved the puzzles to get to Maggie. I also agree that this episode could me controversial and offending to some people, yet most of the Simpson's episodes are very controversial yet it is all for the humor.
